Hello hi my name is Paradee

Wtf am i doing i ahve no idea what to do

Background is currently a placeholder, it will look nicer eventually.

Here's my tumblr el em ay oh Tumblr.

The rabbit
The mage

I'm ace lesbian, transfem, my pronouns are She/Her.

I am a robot girl :3

If you make a "paradeez nuts" joke, i hate you. /halfsrs

an example of a Felis catus, AKA the housecat.


things i like:

What Flavour Are You? I taste of Death.I taste of Death.

Doesn't everyone want a taste of death? Well they should. Most people deserve death. Keep away from me unless you think you're better than that. I probably won't like you. What Flavour Are You?

Yeah taht's it

Espurr telling you "ole hiljaa homopoika"
